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Niraj Sunil Maheshwari




Music has a variable impact on the human brain, and thus it is already used in the clinical practise for many of the treatments and ailments. Music therapy is very efficient way to minimalize the psychological symptoms as it has a direct effect on the brain by the brainwaves which can be studied by an Electroencephalography (EEG), thus the aim of the whole study is to use the specific type of music in the treatment of the withdrawal symptoms which are currently being dealt with only medications or consultation therapies up to an extent. Thus, the correlations between music and brain regions can be successfully found to be useful in many cases of the treatment. Also, the music therapy which is proposed is an adjunct to the main addiction treatment which is ongoing in the rehabilitation centres or at home, for better management of the symptoms which can help the recovery period outlast the relapse of the individual back into the addiction   

Ключевые слова:
Electroencephalography (EEG), addiction, withdrawal symptoms, brainwaves   

Addiction is a Latin term for “enslaved by”. It is basically psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm, as it becomes a way of maintaining normal state of the living. It has a powerful influence on the brain which affects the normal mechanism of its functioning. The pleasure feeling which is achieved by the brain is registered in the same way despite its origin, the dopamine which is released in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum, which is referred to as brain’s pleasure centre, while the hippocampus lays memories of the rapid satisfaction, and amygdala which creates a conditioned response to the stimuli. Types of Addiction: 1) To substances e.g.: alcohol, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, etc 2) Impulse regulation e.g.: kleptomania, gambling, etc 3) Behavioural e.g.: sex, food, internet, work, pain, overthinking, etc Existing methods to treat the addictions: Counselling, medication and drug-based treatment, treating related psychological factors, care to reduce the risk of relapse. Addiction has three phases: 1) Intoxicating phase 2) Withdrawal phase 3) Anticipation phase. In the treatment during the withdrawal and anticipation phase the general psychosomatic symptoms are: 1) Symptoms from substance abstinence: Delirium tremens, anxiety, insomnia, agitation, hypertension, depression, paranoia, irritability, restlessness, antisocial behaviour, etc. 2) Symptoms from impulsive disorders: restlessness, anxiety, sad, rage, tremors, frequent mood changes. 3) Symptoms from behavioural addictions: Irritability, restlessness, poor concentration, overthinking, frequent conflicts with closed ones, mood changes. Music Therapy as an associative treatment method of addiction: As the ongoing studies on music therapy are widespread now, it is already in clinical use for a number of different purposes, let it be from increasing memory skills to treatment of many psychological illnesses too. That being said, the music can also have its contribution to the recovery of the addict, as in the withdrawal and relapse phase. Impact of music on bioelectrical activity of the brain: An electroencephalography (EEG) has helped us determine the ongoing waves created by the activity of brain and depending upon their frequencies they are classified into delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha 1 (8-10 Hz) and alpha 2 (11-13 Hz), beta (more than 13 Hz) and gamma waves (30-40 Hz). Every time of brainwave indicate distinct states of brain and their connections with behaviour. Delta brainwave- are dominant during sleep, coma, anaesthesia. High delta wave can indicate high attentiveness. Theta brainwave- is usually observed in drowsiness and states of low alertness, specific type of which is “frontal midline theta” which is observed in tasks of mental thinking, meditation. Theta activity is also connected to emotional functions. Alpha brainwave- It usually affects 3 regions a) posterior alpha region for alertness and attentional factors, b) somatosensory cortex and movement, c) auditory cortex, also it is important to note that alpha power and brain activity are inversely related. Beta brainwave- occur during awake state and an increase can be caused by stress, tensions, but it increases the cortical integrity, and cognitive processes, it also causes increased  blood flow of cerebral cortex and activation of precuneus region which is responsible for memory association, integration of information, and episodic memory. High beta waves increase alertness, active concentration. Gamma brainwave- have low related affects in connection to music impact. How actually does this will help in the treatment of addiction: Music basically of 5 types can help in relieving the withdrawal symptoms and in turn preventing the drift into relapse phase. 1) Classical music: Studies have shown that repeated listening to classical music for some period increases the alpha wave frequency and as already stated above it has inverse effect which lowers the brain activity, which proves to be calming, relaxing and thus withdrawal symptoms like restlessness, anxiety, excitability, paranoia can be controlled to an extent, thus proving its positive effect. Classical music also has it therapeutic powers. 2) Nature/ white noise: white noise is a mixture of all the frequencies from 20 Hz and above and can act as beta and gamma waves relieves stress to an extent, causes euphoria, and a feeling of relief. 3) Lyrical music: Lyrical music is nothing but a simple music with vocals which triggers rather more areas of the brain than which is done by the instrumental music. Research studies shows that lyrical music can have both positive and negative impact on the mind, depending on the choice and genre of music, as it activates our limbic system particularly amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus responsible for emotions, memory, motivation, particularly amygdala, and inferior frontal gyrus which assists in language processing. Speaking neurobiologically studies have also shown that lyrical music modifies its effect with attentive and nonattentive behaviour, with high alpha wave activity and high theta and delta wave activity, respectively. Thus, the same can be used for symptoms management like restlessness, excitability, nervousness, and also for insomnia, depression, low emotional state, mental stress. 4) Music with 50 – 80 bpm as the heart rate: while some studies have also shown that it is more important as the tempos of the music than its type for having a stronger impact on brain. Dr Emma Gray, a cognitive behavioural therapist found out that listening to music with 50 – 80 beats per minute can put the brain into an alpha state.


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №8 (17) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Niraj Sunil Maheshwari ADJUNCT OF MUSIC THERAPY FOR DEADDICTION TREATMENT // Вестник науки №8 (17) том 2. С. 47 - 51. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1997 (дата обращения: 29.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1997

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